Cassie Koyle

Iā€™m a front-end web developer, with a growing passion for Javascript and Nodejs. With a strong background in customer relations allows me translate the alogrithoms and logic of code into more digestable format. I am excited to start learning more and develope this passion!

General Info

  • AddressAurora, Colorado
  • Phone 720-548-0197

Work Experience

  • 2019

    Coding with Kids


    Teaching kids, ranging from grades second and up, the FUNdemantals of code. Using kid friendly platforms, like scratch and, to teach kids general alogrithoms.

  • 2011-2019

    Chiropractic Office-FSP Family Wellness

    Office Administator

    The role as office administator has given me a long list of skills, from customer relations, accounting, to social media management. Over the last seven years at FSP I have improved web presence adding a website and social media accounts as well as a strong SEO. I have transitioned the office to new softwares, twice, including data transfer, learning the all functionality and training of staff on new systems.

  • July 2018-January 2019

    Denver University

    Full-Stack Developer Student

    With 24 weeks worth of small assignments and three large projects, this course challenged my abilities and grew my knowledge and skills as a developer. I had fun turning coding assignments from instructions into real running applications. Check out some of my The Office themed applications!


  • 2018

    Full-Stack Web Developer Certificate

    Denver Univesity Bootcamp

    Durning this course I have learned SO MUCH! From general HTML and CSS to MongoDB and React.js. I continue to grow and refine my skills in Javascript, PHP, git, CSS frameworks(materialize, SaSS) and many others.

  • 2014


    Metropolitan State University

    Coding is my passion but the path was a winding one. I am 30 credits shy of finishing my Bachelors in Psychology with a minor in Computer Science, I am focusing on polishing my coding skills, then returning to finish this degree. Having the psychology expierence helps when looking at a sites layout and functionality- how users see, interact, and FEEL- about an applicaton is crucial in client statisfaction.



Coworker Finder

The Office themed survey compares you answers to a MySQL database matching you to a character.


This is a Node.js and MySQL database application. Watch a video demo!

Trivia Game

Javascript & Jquery Game

Marijuana Strain Searcher

A JavaScript application allowing user to search an API Database of strains, getting back ailments it helps relieve...

Extra Skills


Client Relations

I pride myself on being bilingual, I can communicate with clients the functionality of code in a non technical tone.



I know my skillset is just flourishing, but I always give 110% and enjoy taking on a challenge!


Year Growing Skillset


Large Collabrate Projects